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Network meta-analysis of the effectiveness and safety of 3 kinds of snake venom hemocoagulase drugs for hemostasis in abdominal surgery
    • Network meta-analysis of the effectiveness and safety of 3 kinds of snake venom hemocoagulase drugs for hemostasis in abdominal surgery

    • ZHONGGUO YAOFANG   Vol. 34, Issue 21, Pages: 2631-2637(2023)
    • DOI:10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2023.21.11    

      CLC: R973+.2;R982
    • Published:15 November 2023

      Received:08 June 2023

      Revised:04 September 2023

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  • ZHENG Zihui,PAN Huijie,ZHAO Zinan,et al.Network meta-analysis of the effectiveness and safety of 3 kinds of snake venom hemocoagulase drugs for hemostasis in abdominal surgery[J].ZHONGGUO YAOFANG,2023,34(21):2631-2637. DOI: 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2023.21.11.








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