Statement on the Publishing Ethics and Malpractice of China Pharmacy


China Pharmacy adheres to basic professional ethics and the principles of "honesty, responsibility, fairness, and impartiality" in the publishing process. To maintain the ethical standards of high-quality academic journals, China Pharmacy has formulated the following statement on publishing ethics and academic misconduct based on the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):

I. Editor's Responsibilities

1.Ensure the confidentiality of all reviewers and their peer review comments, and objectively convey the comments to the authors.

2.Ensure the fairness and transparency of academic research and the peer review process, and make timely corrections and errata when necessary.

3.Evaluate the scientific quality and knowledge content of manuscripts, and not be biased by the authors' race, gender, place of origin, or religious beliefs, etc., and should not let these biases affect the evaluation results. Assess manuscripts objectively based on their academic value, without involving any commercial or personal interests.

4.Maintain confidentiality of any information regarding the manuscript before its publication.

5.Reject the manuscript if editors discover plagiarism or academic fraud in submitted articles during the editing and proofreading process. Meanwhile, they have the right to publish a notice of academic misconduct and notify the author's institution. If a high similarity rate (20%~<30%) is found through duplication checking, the author will be required to revise and resubmit the manuscript.

II. Reviewer's Responsibilities

1.Provide detailed, fair, and constructive evaluations of the scientific content of the manuscript timely.

2.Indicate whether the content of the article meets the requirements for inclusion in China Pharmacy and whether it is original and scientific.

3.Maintain confidentiality of the entire review process and the content of the manuscript.

4.Inform the journal editor of any financial or other conflicts of interest and refuse to review the manuscript when such conflicts exist.

5.Inform the editorial office if reviewers discover plagiarism, misconduct, or fraudulent behavior in submitted articles during the review process, and the handling method is the same as 1.5.

6.Inform the editorial office if ethical issues are discovered, such as violations of human or animal ethical principles or plagiarism, misconduct, or academic fraud at any stage after the manuscript is reviewed or published, and the handling method is the same as 1.5.

III. Author's Responsibilities

1.Ensure that all content submitted by authors is original and free from any form of plagiarism, misconduct, or fraud. The editorial office does not accept articles that have been previously published and can be retrieved from databases, such as authors’ own theses or conference papers.

2.Avoid simultaneous publication or submission of the manuscript elsewhere, and strictly prohibit multiple submissions. If such behavior is discovered, the editorial office will notify the relevant editorial office and withdraw the published article. Manuscripts that are about to be published or in the process of review or editing will be rejected.

3.Clearly acknowledge any potential conflicts of interest in the manuscripts.

4.Provide written acknowledgments when other parties (individuals/companies/institutions) have contributed to the manuscript. Obtain permission or make proper citations when using data, images, or resources from other sources as required.

5.List only those who have made significant contributions to the research as first authors or corresponding authors, while other contributors should be listed as co-authors. Changes to the first author and corresponding author can only be made with the written consent of all authors and the certification and permission of the author’s institution, once a manuscript is submitted.

IV. Publisher's Responsibilities

1.Strive to ensure that all personnel involved in publishing adhere to publishing ethics guidelines, including authors, reviewers, and editors.

2.Maintain the integrity, autonomy, and originality of each published article.

3.Withdraw the article, publish a retraction statement, and notify various databases if academic misconduct is found in published papers.

4.Release detailed instructions for authors (such as submission requirements and writing requirements) annually and update them promptly.

5.Establish relevant regulations to reasonably resolve conflicts of interest between editors, authors, reviewers, and editorial board members.6.Withdraw the published article and retain the right to notify the author's institution if academic misconduct is discovered after publication. Retain the right to notify the relevant editorial department and the author's institution if duplicate publication is found.

Editorial Office of China Pharmacy