
Manuscript Handling Process for China Pharmacy


1. New Submission - A new manuscript is submitted to the system for initial review.


2. System Assignment - The system assigns the manuscript to an editor for initial review.


3. Editor Review - The editor reviews the manuscript for suitability and decides whether it is acceptable for further review.


4. External Review Experts - If the manuscript is acceptable, it is sent to experts for external review.


5. Review Returned - The external reviewers return their feedback, which is then assessed by the editor.


6. Rejection - If the manuscript is deemed unacceptable after review, it is rejected.


7. Revision ⇄ Revision Returned - If revisions are required, the author is notified, and a back-and-forth process may occur between the author and the editor.


8. Manuscript Finalization Meeting - Once revisions are complete and the manuscript is acceptable, it goes to a finalization meeting for discussion and decision.


9. Academic Editor (A/B Role) - An academic editor, often with an A/B role system for redundancy, coordinates the review and revision process.


10. Authorization/Fees + Polishing - The manuscript undergoes further polishing after authorization and fee collection.


11. Revision Returned - The polished manuscript is returned to the academic editor for final checks.


12. Pool of Articles for Publication (Aggregated) - Acceptable manuscripts are aggregated into a pool for selection.


13. Typesetting - The selected manuscripts are formatted for publication.


14. Proofreading - The typeset manuscripts are proofread for errors.


15. Select Articles for the Current Issue + Responsible Editor - The director of the journal center reviews selected articles for the current issue.


16. Review Articles for Irregular Review - Articles are reviewed for any irregularities or additional feedback.


17. Check and Clean Proof - The proof is checked and cleaned, ensuring it is ready for publication.


18. Check Returned - Any checked materials are returned to the responsible editor.


19. Handle Editorial Issues and Count Errors - The responsible editor addresses any editorial issues and counts errors for quality control via selecting articles for the current issue, thorough review, dual check, etc.


20. English Line Breaking & Check - The English editor checks for proper line breaking in the English text.


21. General Review of Editing and Proofreading Issues and Error Counting - A general review is conducted to ensure all editing and proofreading issues are resolved, and errors are counted.


22. Final Review - The Editor-in-Chief conducts a final review of manuscripts.


23. Sending for Printing - After final approval, the manuscript is sent for printing.


24. Final Check - A final check is performed before the manuscript is printed.