
Editorial and Proofreading System and Editorial Responsibilities of China Pharmacy


I. Editorial and Proofreading System of China Pharmacy 

To ensure an orderly editing and proofreading process, reduce printing errors, and raise editorial quality, the editorial and proofreading system of China Pharmacy is established as follows:

1. The journal implements an "integrated editing and proofreading" system, where the contributing editor is responsible for editing the electronic version of the article, sending it for typesetting, and proofreading the paper proof.

2. The editor-in-charge is responsible for the organization and implementation of the layout proofreading and printing work for the current issue, ensuring timely delivery of manuscripts and proofs, and maintaining business contacts with typesetting personnel and the printing house.

3. Proofreading should be based on the original manuscript, with no arbitrary additions or deletions on the proof. When errors in the original manuscript or oversights and mistakes in editorial processing are found, they should be marked for correction by the original contributing editor on both the original manuscript and the proof.

4. The editor-in-charge must be rigorous in proofreading, using proofreading symbols correctly to eliminate typos, complete omissions, and correct layout errors to ensure editorial quality.

5. The three-proof system must be strictly implemented, including checking for discrepancies, verifying facts, and maintaining an error rate of less than two per ten thousand after proofreading. Appropriate penalties will be given to those who cause adverse effects due to errors after proofreading.

6. All manuscripts must be proofread by the author before being sent to the printing house to reduce knowledge-based errors. After the author's proofreading, the editor-in-charge should review the format, text, and symbols once more to reduce editorial and proofreading errors.

7. The procedures and requirements for proofreading are as follows:

(1) First proof: Focus on proofreading against the original manuscript, strive for consistency between the proof and the original, correct layout errors, and mark any doubtful points.

(2) Second proof: Ensure that errors from the first proof have been corrected; correct layout errors, address any doubts in the proof, fill in omissions, and unify the style.

(3) Third proof: Ensure that errors from the second proof have been corrected, conduct a comprehensive check of the proof, clean up errors, and confirm the layout format.

8. Content of proofreading includes:

(1) Check for extra, missing, or incorrect characters and punctuation errors; verify titles, author names, personal names, place names, numbers, and formulas in the text.

(2) Check the layout, format, table and figure positions, table and figure titles, font type, size, spacing, and line spacing.

(3) Check the position and hierarchy of titles and line breaks, annotations, references and their sequence numbers, and ensure the consistency of the Chinese and English contents and page numbers with the main text.

(4) Check the header, page order, copyright, cover, back cover, and spine text, publication number, year, month, and issue number.


II. Editorial Responsibilities of China Pharmacy

1. Develop subject selection and manuscript solicitation plans according to the journal's aims and scope, and strengthen the planning and solicitation of featured columns.

2. Manuscript review: For registered manuscripts, the editor conducts an initial review and rejects those that do not meet the acceptance criteria of China Pharmacy.

3. Manuscript submission for review: For manuscripts that pass the initial review, find experts in the relevant field and submit them for review.

4. Organize the editorial board and peer reviewers to hold a final manuscript meeting once a month, and provide feedback on the review comments to the authors.

5. Manuscript revision: Summarize the reviewers' comments on the manuscript and, combining knowledge in the editorial field, return the manuscript to the author for revision through the manuscript processing system.

6. Manuscript editing: Edit the manuscript following China’s standards and regulations for journal layout, carefully edit and process the manuscripts to improve the quality of the manuscript, ensuring that the manuscript is "complete, clear, and ready."

7. Proofreading of manuscripts: For articles that have been typeset and are awaiting publication, conduct careful proofreading three times, try not to miss any errors, and keep errors within China’s standard range.

8. Cross-proofreading and verification among editors.

9. Answer authors' questions: When authors call to inquire, patiently answer the authors, help them master and learn about national standards related to editing and publishing, and improve their paper writing skills.

10. Engage in the study and further education of professional knowledge and editorial business, carry out scientific research, and actively write solid papers to continuously improve professional knowledge and editorial skills.

11. Actively participate in relevant professional academic activities, read professional books, newspapers, and periodicals, and timely understand the dynamics of scientific research and teaching, as well as the current status and frontiers of China and global research.

12. Actively communicate with peers, listen to the opinions and suggestions of the editorial board, reviewers, authors, and readers, continuously summarize experience, improve work, and strive to improve the editorial, typesetting, and layout level of this journal.


 Editorial Office of China Pharmacy