1.石河子大学药学院,新疆 石河子 832003
2.石河子大学第一附属医院药学部,新疆 石河子 832000
硕士研究生。研究方向:临床药学及药物评价。 E-mail:780962468@qq.com
副主任药师,硕士生导师。研究方向:临床药学。 E-mail:1369881248@qq.com
梁侠兵,凡保华,文志萍等.基于健康行为改变整合理论的抗凝药学服务模式构建与应用 Δ[J].中国药房,2024,35(23):2948-2953.
LIANG Xiabing,FAN Baohua,WEN Zhiping,et al.Construction and application of anticoagulant pharmacy service model based on the integrated theory of health behavior change[J].ZHONGGUO YAOFANG,2024,35(23):2948-2953.
梁侠兵,凡保华,文志萍等.基于健康行为改变整合理论的抗凝药学服务模式构建与应用 Δ[J].中国药房,2024,35(23):2948-2953. DOI: 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2024.23.18.
LIANG Xiabing,FAN Baohua,WEN Zhiping,et al.Construction and application of anticoagulant pharmacy service model based on the integrated theory of health behavior change[J].ZHONGGUO YAOFANG,2024,35(23):2948-2953. DOI: 10.6039/j.issn.1001-0408.2024.23.18.
>0.05)。每增加1%的抗凝达标率,医院需多投入的药师服务费用为4.35元。与2023年我国人均国内生产总值(GDP,89 358元)相比,增加50%抗凝达标率的增量成本-效果比值远低于1倍人均GDP。
To establish anticoagulation pharmaceutical service model based on the integrated theory of health behavior change (ITHBC), and analyze its effects.
Referring to relevant literature and soliciting opinions from 8 experts from departments such as pharmacy, respiratory medicine, and vascular surgery, a anticoagulation pharmaceutical service model based on ITHBC was ultimately formed. VTE inpatients were selected from The First Affiliated Hospital of Shihezi University from December 2023 to June 2024 as the research subjects. They were randomly assigned into intervention group (58 cases) and control group (60 cases) using a random number table method. The intervention group implemented pharmacist-led anticoagulant pharmaceutical service model based on ITHBC, while the control group adopted a conventional anticoagulant pharmaceutical service model. The anticoagulation-related outcomes of two groups were compared after 3 months: anticoagulation compliance rate, the incidence of adverse drug reactions, the score of medication adherence and compliance rate of anticoagulant prescription; economic evaluation was conducted.
After implementing ITHBC-based anticoagulant pharmaceutical services for 3 months, the intervention group had higher anticoagulation compliance rate, score of medication adherence, and compliance rate of anticoagulant prescription than the control group (
<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the total incidence of adverse drug reactions between the two groups (
>0.05). For every 1% point increase in anticoagulant compliance rate, the hospital needed to invest 4.35 yuan additionally in anticoagulant pharmaceutical service fees. Compared with China’s per capita gross domestic product (GDP, 89 358 yuan) in 2023, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio value that increased the anticoagulation compliance rate by 50% is far less than one time of per capita GDP.
The pharmacist-led anticoagulant pharmaceutical service model based on ITHBC can effectively improve the outcomes of anticoagulant therapy for VTE patients, enhance medication compliance, improve patients’ awareness and recognition of adverse drug reactions to anticoagulants, and has certain economic and social benefits.
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